Founded in 2020, Odocam is a startup company dedicated to lowering car accidents and air pollutions through leading edge Technologies. Odocam has two unique products: Rahkav and Eqlima. Rahkav estimates a vehicle’s mileage by LPNR (License Plate Number Recognition) cameras and has been granted a US utility patent. Rahkav is the first non-client based solution for estimating a car traveled distance and has a few applications including Vehicle Mileage Traveled (VMT) Tax, Pay per Mileage Insurance, Fleet management and Fleet Fuel card. Eqlima is the latest product of Odocam. which encompasses a few algorithms for Optimal Camera Placement and path finding. Eqlima would reduce the number of LPNR cameras needed to cover an area and estimates vehicles’ mileages and paths significantly (minimum 33 percent, close to 50% in most areas). At least one utility patent would be applied to protect Eqlima